Being able to contact your website hosting company when you have any sort of questions or encounter any issues is really important and how fast they'll answer and take action is essential, in particular when your web site is business-oriented, as longer downtime often means losing prospective customers. The support options are usually one way to distinguish actual suppliers from resellers. The latter generally reply only to e-mails or support tickets and you'll have to wait for a whole day or even more in order to get an answer. In case the problem calls for a few replies, you could end up losing days in order to get a basic problem fixed. Using an authentic and reliable website hosting provider, you should be in a position to connect with the support team at any moment and receive a prompt response no matter what the issue or your question is - customer, pre-sales or technical one.

24/7 Customer Support in Website Hosting

All of our Linux website hosting packages include 24/7/365 pre-sales, customer and tech support, so no matter if you're inquiring about our solutions well before you make an order or you're a current client and you have a question or some issue, you can contact us anytime, which includes weekends and holidays. We have many channels to contact us - several phone lines around the globe for your convenience and live chat support for billing, pre-sales and general questions; emails and support tickets for more complex matters or any troubles which require extra time to investigate and fix. In contrast to many other web hosting service providers, our trouble tickets have a guaranteed max reply time of just one hour, thus regardless of what your issue is, it will be resolved on time and you won't waste days in order to get something fixed.

24/7 Customer Support in VPS Hosting

Each and every virtual private server plan that we provide includes 24/7 customer and tech support, which means that in case you experience any trouble with the pre-installed software on your machine or you have any pre-sales or general questions, you are able to get in touch with us at any moment, even weekends and holidays. For your convenience, we offer different methods of communication - phone support with a couple of local numbers globally, live chat, emails as well as a ticketing system, which is accessible from the VPS billing Control Panel. The last two options are intended for time-consuming or more complex tech issues as it'll be easier to track what is going on. The maximum warranted reply time for all of the emails and tickets is 60 minutes, but it rarely takes that long to receive assistance. When you obtain the Managed Services upgrade that we provide, our admins can also support you with any kind of third-party software matters.

24/7 Customer Support in Dedicated Web Hosting

When you get a dedicated server through us, you can contact us anytime using a number of channels and the max time that you will need to wait for an answer is up to 1 hour, so you can forget about waiting an entire day. Our customer and technical support service is online 24/7 no matter if it's a holiday or a weekend and we can help you with anything related to the apps that are pre-installed on the server. To get in touch with us about a tech issue, you can open a ticket through the Help section of your billing Control Panel or you could send us an e-mail message. If you have any kind of basic questions or you would like to know more about our solutions before you order, you may also use our live chat or you can call one of the local phone numbers that we have in several countries around the world. When you're looking for support for third-party software that you cannot set up or manage efficiently, you are able to add the Managed Services upgrade to your package and our system administrators will assist you.